8 80 TowerPOPS

About 8 80 TowerPOPS

8 80 TowerPOPS: Transforming Underused Spaces to Support Health Equity in Tower Neighbourhoods, is a 3-year multi-disciplinary project led by 8 80 Cities. The project aims to activate underused spaces in close proximity to large clusters of high-density apartment towers to improve physical health outcomes for the community.


À propos 8 80 TowerPOPS

8 80 TowerPOPS: Transformer les espaces sous-utilisés pour soutenir l’équité en matière de santé dans les quartiers des tours est un projet multidisciplinaire de trois ans mené par 8 80 Cities, qui se déroulera de janvier 2024 à janvier 2027, et qui vise à transformer les espaces sous-utilisés à proximité des grands ensembles de tours d’habitation à haute densité afin d’améliorer la santé physique.


Dates: 2024-2027

Locations: Rockcliffe-Smythe, Toronto and Cooksville, Mississauga

8 80 TowerPOPS is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) with additional neighbourhood support from United Way Greater Toronto.

Cooksville, Mississauga

Cooksville is a dynamic, diverse and growing community bounded to the north by the St. Lawrence Railway, to the South by the Queen Elizabeth Expressway, to the West by Mavis Road and to the East by Cawthra Road.

Cooksville is home to dedicated non-profit organizations and active community champions who are aligned in making Cooksville a more physically active and vibrant place to live, work, and play.

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Rockcliffe-Smythe, Toronto

Rockcliffe-Smythe is a diverse and growing community located in west Toronto. Its boundaries lie in St. Clair Avenue West to the South, and Eglinton Avenue West to the North. The major road running North and South is Jane Street. The neighbourhood is known for its abundant green space, including Smythe Park, and is where Humber River meets Black Creek. Most apartment buildings can be found along Jane Street, Scarlett Road, and Humber Boulevard.

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Thank you to our Funders

Public Health Agency of Canada

The Public Health Agency of Canada is part of the federal health portfolio. Its activities focus on preventing disease and injuries, responding to public health threats, promoting good physical and mental health, and providing information to support informed decision-making.

Agence de la santé publique du Canada

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada fait partie du portefeuille fédéral de la santé. Ses activités sont axées sur la prévention des maladies et des blessures, la réponse aux menaces pour la santé publique, la promotion d’une bonne santé physique et mentale, et la transmission de renseignements qui favorisent la prise de décisions éclairées.

United Way Greater Toronto

United Way Greater Toronto’s day to day work has positive impact on the lives of individuals and in communities across our region. This work includes providing funding and other supports to a network of social service agencies and projects, as well as conceiving of community impact strategies and initiatives that engage public, private and social sector partners.

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